Advent Geonutshells Geocaching Megaevent 2016
Geonutshells is a traditional Christmas event that takes place every year (from 2006) in mid December. Although by design it is a simple event, spontaneously it grew into a megaevent because in last 7 years more than 500 nicks (> 1000 individuals) attended each event.
Why Geonutshells? The name is related to an old Czech Christmas tradition. On Christmas Eve people make small boats, usually from walnut shells. They place small candles inside the boats, light them and then they let the boats float on water in a large pot or washing-up bowl. The fun is in predicting future from how far the boats float, how they stick together (or not), etc.
As the logo of the megaevent we chose Bruncvik - the legendary knight, which statue stands near the spot of the megaevent . Bruncvík legend is the czech paraphrase of french famous epic La Chanson de Roland. Bruncvik watch and protect us during the megaevent.
We meet for the 11th time near Certovka channel in Prague close to Charles Bridge. Each participant should bring a small boat (e.g. from a nut shell) with a candle light. We let the candle boats float in Certovka channel and then watch all together this spectacular show. Historical buildings illuminated by hundreds of candle lights, happy children, new and old friends around and small gifts being exchanged create an unforgettable atmosphere. Do not forget to bring some Christmas food and drink and share it with fellow geocachers.
WATCH TOO: Prague Geonutshells 2013
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Feráta v Bechyni: cesta tam a zase zpět
Pražský gigaevent se překládá na příští rok
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Kalendář akcí Zobrazit všechny akce
BTL - veletrh | Portugalsko, Lisabon | 12.-16.3. | 12.3. | |
Fishing and Hunting - veletrh | Nitra, Agrokomplex | 14.-15.3. | 14.3. | |
For Bikes and Sport - veletrh | Praha, Letňany | 14.-16.3. | 14.3. | |
Holiday World - veletrh | Praha, Letňany | 14.-16.3. | 14.3. | |
Kanumesse - veletrh | Německo, Konstanz | 15.-16.3. | 15.3. | |
MITT - veletrh | Rusko, Moskva | 18.-20.3. | 18.3. | |
IBTM - veletrh | Hong Kong | 19.-20.3. | 19.3. | |
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Knižní festival | Ostrava, Černá louka | 21.-22.3. | 21.3. | |
For Boat - veletrh | Praha, Letňany | 21.-23.3. Vodní sporty | 21.3. |
Svět se mění nenápadně | Michael Beranek, 13.3.2025 14:01, 8 příspěvků |
Volným lesem? | Horydoly, 13.3.2025 13:34, 8 příspěvků |
Volným lesem? | Kadlos, 13.3.2025 12:44, 8 příspěvků |
Inu | Honza, 11.3.2025 20:35, 1 příspěvek |
Schönbrunn | PK, 11.3.2025 14:23, 3 příspěvky |
Schönbrunn | PK, 11.3.2025 14:21, 3 příspěvky |
Schönbrunn | Šlojíř, 11.3.2025 12:42, 3 příspěvky |
bouda? | Geograf, 10.3.2025 12:52, 2 příspěvky |
! | Malá, 9.3.2025 20:25, 1 příspěvek |
Presl | Pigaro flora, 9.3.2025 12:18, 1 příspěvek |
Fórum Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
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