Eco-skating Ice Rink in Mexico City

Eco-skating Ice Rink in Mexico City
First kids skating on the Glice Eco-Ice Mexico City.
Autor snímku Glice

The Government of Mexico City just opened the world’s largest skating rink on the city’s main square, known as Zócalo. A tradition in Mexico City for many years, for the first time in history this year’s holiday skating rink will use no water or power. Glice, a Swiss manufacturer of Eco-Ice, was selected by the City Government because of its unique sustainable skating surface that offers an ecological alternative to refrigerated ice, operates in any temperature, and comes with many economic benefits.

Eco-skating Ice Rink in Mexico City
The Zócalo Glice Eco-Rink by night during the opening ceremony at Plaza de la Constitución.
Autor snímku Glice

Government of Mexico City responds to climate change with a sustainable skating rink technology.

Compared to a conventional ice rink, the 4,000 m2 eco-friendly alternative will save 185,000 liters of water, the monthly energy consumption of 4,000 average households and 95 tons of CO2 emissions over the course of this event.

"We are honored to offer the Mexico City residents a fun and eco-friendly skating experience this holiday season. Glice looks like ice, glides like ice, but isn’t ice," said Co-Founder and CEO Viktor Meier. "It enables a great skating experience in locations where it would be ordinarily impossible to make and hold ice."

"Our new Eco-Rink offers the joy of ice skating without the negative environmental impact related to the operation of conventional ice rinks," said Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, Head of Government Mexico City. Furthermore, skaters don’t get wet, and the shock-absorbing properties of the Eco-Ice decrease the risk of injuries. Local residents benefit from the absence of generator noises and our new rink has a capacity of 1,200 skaters.

"We are excited to bring our Glice Eco-Rink to Mexico City and enable the local community to enjoy skating fun in a sustainable way," said Hans Broder, Director of Glice Mexico. "We anticipate that our eco-friendly rinks can be used in many parts of our country to offer Mexicans a new and unique experience."

INFO: Glice and Mexico City

Ice skating / bruslení Mexico City. Other ice skating (czech language): PrahaBrnoOstravaKladnoOtavaVltavaMáchovo jezeroHamerský rybníkLabe (Czechia), Krakow, Wroclaw (Poland), KärntenWien (Austria), Rhein-Rhona (France).  

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