Impressing Performance of the World Champion at the outdoortrophy

Impressing Performance of the World Champion at the outdoortrophy
Outdoortrophy 2013: Roland Rupprechter na kajaku.
Autor snímku ARCHIV Hagen PR

Tight race ends the 11th outdoortrophy with a win of Team Land Rover Hörburger, Panace. Mountain running world champion Petro Mamo (Eritrea) broke the course record. After strong performances of paraglider Thomas Mitterdorfer (Austria) and kayak vice world champion Manuel Filzwieser (Austria), Urs Huber (Switzerland) managed to secure the first place for Team Land Rover Hörburger.

Impressing Performance of the World Champion at the outdoortrophy
Outdoortrophy 2013.
Autor snímku ARCHIV Hagen PR

Austrian Johannes Nister won the extremely challenging solo competition. In the Amateur category a local team won remarkably. Lingenau.

The extreme outdoor relay race in Lingenau, Bregenzerwald (Austria), also referred to as the unofficial outdoor world championships, started off with a bang: The current mountain running world champion Petro Mamo (Eritrea) simply sprinted off on the way to the Niedere and finished the 12km long distance including an altitude gain of 1.116 meters with a new record time of 59:47 minutes.

He outran world class elite runners Azarya Weldemariam (Eritrea) and Joseph Gray (USA), who handed over to the paragliders of their teams 4 minutes after Mamo.

Paraglider Markus Prantl (Team Martini Sportswear) managed to make up for lost time on Thomas Mitterdorfer (Austria, Team Land Rover). Mitterdorfer competed for Team Land Rover as a reserve for paraglider Lorenz Peer, who had several bruised and broken ribs from training the previous day.

Outdoortrophy 2013.

Thrilling Event up to the Final Showdown

The race continued in the white water: Czech Kamil Mruzek (Team Nutrend) won the kayaking event, closely pursued by the Austrian kayak champion Gerhard Schmid (Team Martini Sportswear) and kayak vice world champion Manuel Filzwieser (Austria, Team Land Rover). After a tight race of the kayakers, leading teams Land Rover Hörburger and Martini Sportswear both started the mountain bike leg off at the same time. Urs Huber, 5th in this year’s mountain bike world championships, rode an incredible race and fetched a comfortable lead. Hannes Pallhuber (Italy), who won the outdoortrophy seven times, placed second. Team Land Rover Hörburger completed the race after 3:37:02 hours and missed the outdoortrophy record by 7 minutes.

Outdoortrophy 2013.

Local Team Dominates the Amateur Category

Team DJ’s Bikeshop took the first place in the amateur category with 3:57:22. Hannes Metzler, a renowned mountain biker, swapped his bike for running shoes, before Josef Simma (paragliding), Uwe Eichfelder (Germany, kayak) and Manuel Hofer (mountain bike) secured the first rank with a five minute lead over the winners of the previous outdoortrophy, Virgo X Team.

Best Allrounder: Johannes Nister For the first time ever the outdoortrophy solo competition took place, where participating athletes completed all of the four events themselves. Johannes Nister from Bad Aussee (Austria) finished the race within 5:16:19 hours, just before Roland Rupprechter (Austria). Team Vaude was the best female team 2013, Team Fa. Blum won the title for the best company team. In the evening The Souljackers and Neuland heated up the place in an atmosphere matching the mountains. Host Chris Alge is already looking forward to the next outdoortrophy in 2015: "It’s just an amazing event – and the outdoortrophy solo was incredibly impressing, we will definitely hold this category again."

* Broke the mountain running course record: Petro Mamo (Eritrea) left the other participants behind.

* Great thermal conditions. Paragliders circled a buoy and tried their best at a precision landing.

* Battling the rapids: Kayakers used all their willpower and physical strength.

* Riding and carrying the mountain bike: The outdoortrophy is intense!

INFO: Outdoortrophy

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