The time that separates Val di Fiemme from the great mid-September appointment with the Roller Ski World Championships is getting shorter and shorter: from September 12th to September 15th, the streets of Ziano di Fiemme and the ramps of Alpe Cermis will see the world's best roller-skiers being awarded their titles, with the races in Trentino valid also as ending events of the 2024 World cup season.
Kolečkové lyže ve Val di Fiemme. Start mužské kategorie.
The first of the three seasonal stages of the Roller Skiing World Cup ended last weekend in the Latvian locality of Madona. At the start for the Italian Junior National Team there were Anna Maria Ghiddi, Maria Invernizzi, Chiara Agostinetto, Stefano Epis, Tommaso Tozzi, Giovanni Lorenzetti, Carlo Cantaloni and Francesco Chiaradia, while the senior included Alba Mortagna, Elisa Sordello, Maria Eugenia Boccardi, Tommaso Dellagiacoma, Emanuele Becchis, Matteo Tanel, Riccardo Lorenzo Masiero and Michele Valerio. After the first two days, which witnessed the successes of Anna Maria Ghiddi and Matteo Tanel in the Individual and Maria Invernizzi and Anna Maria Ghiddi in the Team Sprint, the satisfactions for the Italian Team were not absent even in the final two days, with nine podium placements for the National Team led by head coach Sbabo between the 200 m Sprint in free technique on Saturday July 20th and the Mass Start (15/20 km) on Sunday.
With the opening stage of the 2024 season in the bag, it is a pleasure to see that the Italian Team is leading the overall nations standing ahead of Latvia and Ukraine. The best Italian roller-skiers currently are Anna Maria Ghiddi, 2nd in the junior women’s overall ranking and 3rd in the Sprint one, Maria Eugenia Boccardi and Alba Mortagna, 4th the overall and Senior Sprint ranking respectively, and Emanuele Becchis, 1st in the Senior Sprint overall ranking ahead of the other Italian Michele Valerio. Riccardo Lorenzo Masiero and Matteo Tanel also did well, 2nd and 3rd overall among the Seniors.
In Trentino, the preparations for the Roller Ski World Championships continue and the organizing committee Nordic Ski Val di Fiemme, led by the president Pietro De Godenz, is working to guarantee a spectacular and successful edition of the event. With the collaboration of the ApT Val di Fiemme and Cembra and the support of the municipalities of Cavalese, Predazzo and Tesero, the Fiemme association is instead proposing a show entitled ‘#roadto2026. Fiemme on the way to the Olympics' to immerse oneself in a mix of variety and music in the magical atmosphere of the Five Circles and Three Agitos of Milano Cortina 2026.
The show will make its debut on Sunday July 28th in Tesero and will also be repeated on Wednesday August 14th in Cavalese and Sunday August 18th in Predazzo.
Čeští reprezentanti opět potvrdili, že v zimním triatlonu patří k těm nejlepším. Na mistrovství světa v italském lyžařském středisku Cogne vybojovala Aneta Grabmüller v závodě žen stříbro, bronz slavili Helena Karásková a Marek Rauchfuss.... celý článek
AKTUALIZACE Nejkrásnější běžkařský závod světa Birkebeiner měří sice pouhých 54 km, ale vede přes kopce a po náhorních planinách nádhernou norskou krajinou. Kromě zimní lyžařské varianty má také letní běžeckou a cyklistickou
Čeští reprezentanti opět potvrdili, že v zimním triatlonu patří k těm nejlepším. Na mistrovství světa v italském lyžařském středisku Cogne vybojovala Aneta Grabmüller v závodě žen stříbro, bronz slavili Helena Karásková a Marek Rauchfuss.
Legendární dálkový běžecký závod Krkonošská 70 oslaví 8. března jubilejní 70. ročník. Jeden z nejstarších tuzemských lyžařských závodů na běžkách se poprvé uskutečnil v roce 1955. V současnsti je součástí seriálu Stopa pro