The jubilee Kielce Bike-expo goes down in history

The jubilee Kielce Bike-expo goes down in history
Bike-expo Kielce.
Autor snímku Targi Kielce

The Polish première of Adam Zdanowicz's gold bicycle, the electric bicycle testing track, the cycling town and the Great Bicycle Parade - this is just a glimpse into the attractions galore the exhibition organisers offered for the visitors.

The expo was the showcase for 151 companies from 15 countries of the world; they presented the products and services wide and diversified offer. 

The Kielce bicycle expo in its jubilee unveiling

The tenth Kielce bicycle expo is now history. 2019 is a very special moment for the Kielce Bike-expo – it has been 10 years since we resolved to invite bicycle industry representatives to convene at Targi Kielce. Never have we regretted this decision because this decade has abounded with possibilities to meet great people: entrepreneurs, sportsmen and enthusiasts of active leisure time. - said Andrzej Mochoń - Targi Kielce President of the Board For years Kielce BIKE-EXPO has been the meeting platform for the bicycle industry representatives - this year's expo was the showcase for over 150 exhibitors from 15 countries from all corners of the world. Business insiders were offered the possibility to attend the conferences held within the scope of the Bike Expo Academy as well as to join Jan Kubica coaching sessions.

Producers were offered a selection of strategic management classes. Shop owners may were offered trainings related to the online sales enhancement with the use of omni-channel techniques and risks assessment. Yet the expo agenda was much broader - it included the conference on the "Use of bicycle as a means of utility transport in cities", the “Business opts for mediation" seminar organised by the Arbitration and Mediation Centre at the Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce as well as meetings with industry representatives, including bicycle associations’ representations from Taiwan and China.

Traditionally the expo stands abounded with the latest two-wheelers, tools and clothes. Trade fair visitors had also the opportunity to become familiar with the wide range of scooters and electric bicycles. - We are glad to see the growing interest in electric bicycles in Poland, Still not a massive interest, but already noticeable. All indicators show that many e-bike models displayed at the expo become available in stores in the coming season.- said Krzysztof Dylewski, President of the Board of the Polish Cycling Association. The expo also hosted Taiwan's ambassador - HE Weber Shih also joined the "Taiwan Bicycle Industry" seminar which focussed on the Taiwanese bicycle industry, Taiwanese brands and their presence in the Polish market, cooperation with Taiwanese suppliers from the perspective of the Polish companies.

The expo welcomes all two-wheelers enthusiasts

It has become the expo tradition to welcome all two wheelers fans on the last day of the event - attractions plethora were waiting for guests who come to Kielce. A Cycling Town and a Free E-Bikes and Scooters Tests Zone were an inherent part of the expo display. Not only could the guests enjoy two-wheeled vehicles rides, the test stands offered knowledge about the e-bikes, work modes. Advisory services were also available. Older two-wheeler lovers were most welcome to join in the expo as there was the traditional exhibition of vintage and unique bikes which, the display ranging from the pre-war Łucznik through two-wheelers from the 80s as well as sport souvenirs.

This fringe event was organised by the SPRĘŻYŚCI Radom Retrocyclists Association and the SPRĘZYŚCI Foundation for Culture, Arts and Sport Support.

The last expo day offered meetings galore. The trade show’s ambassadors were at the guests' disposal: Adam Zdanowicz and his Polish première of the Materialize gold bicycle, the winner of the Las Vegas Oscar and Monika Alimanović, the blog author "Tits on the bike" who has thus been campaigning for breast cancer prevention. The third day of the fair is also a meeting with Valerjan Romanovski, Guinness record holder in driving at 100 ֯ C. During the Open Day, there were also sport struggles. The Bike Atelier MTB Marathon with over 500 participants was also a part of the Kielce bike festival.

Sports Saturday in Targi Kielce was held under the banner of the Bicycle parade, the cycling cavalcade set off from the Kielce market square and headed towards the Targi Kielce headquarters. The upcoming Kielce Bike-expo  welcomes all its guests next year 17.-19. September 2020.

INFO: Targi Kielce

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