Vertical Pro Premiere Comes to a Successful Conclusion

Vertical Pro Premiere Comes to a Successful Conclusion
Via Ferrata / Klettersteig. Představení na veletrhu Vertical.
Autor snímku Vertical Pro

Motorised rope winches, dual-texture climbing holds and triple-lock carabiners: the first edition of Vertical Pro provided a meeting point for gaining and exchanging information and networking for everyone who spends time up high in their profession.

With products ranging from rope ascenders and fall arrest and work positioning harnesses to boulder hall booking systems software, 141 companies from 23 countries exhibited the entire bandwidth of the climbing and industrial safety sectors.

"The first Vertical Pro has been a complete success for both us and our partners. The top-class conceptual organisation has created new synergies within the field of rope access technology with sports and industrial climbers," explains CEO Messe Friedrichshafen Klaus Wellmann, looking back at the event.

"The positive feedback from our clientele confirms that the industry has been awaiting an interdisciplinary event such as Vertical Pro," added Show Director Dirk Heidrich. The German Alpine Association (DAV) and the International Adventure Park Association (IAPA) are similarly convinced. Dr Wolfgang Wabel, mountaineering representative of DAV explains: "Vertical Pro has been a genuine success.There was an outstanding atmosphere and we are very satisfied. The visitors were insiders with an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. It was an excellent decision to integrate the Halls & Walls concept into Vertical Pro."

Jochen Brischke, Chairman of IAPA, goes on to add: "The trade fair went very well for us. The visitors to our stand were very inquisitive and displayed a high level of specialist interest. Vertical Pro has been a really promising event." Alongside product presentations, the comprehensive supporting programme with more than 80 talks, seminars and demonstrations in the Demo + Test Areas offered plenty of opportunities for an exchange of expert knowledge as well as locations for practical testing.

The exhibitors were also content: "I’m really surprised at how the trade fair went, as I was assuming there would be fewer visitors in view of the COVID-19 situation. The integrated Halls & Walls had its regular public present. As Petzl, we identify 100 per cent with the show with our products and the services we offer, in fact you might say – Vertical Pro is Petzl. We will also be here in the future and will be trying to inspire even more people for this concept. For an initial event, the trade fair has been a really great success," says Christoph Driever, Country Manager Petzl Deutschland GmbH summing up.

Christian Kruck, Technical Sales DMM International Limited, also arrives at a positive conclusion: "There were more visitors at the trade than we had been expecting in view of the coronavirus situation. The visitors we saw were exclusively from the trade. I regard the concept with test area and specialist talks as absolutely necessary, and the trade fair would only have been half as interesting without them. Another appearance next year is very probable since we represent both the professional and climbing sector, which makes the show extremely interesting for us!"

Sven Drangeid, Head of the FISAT office, summarises: "What we, the German Association for Rope Access, were able to achieve in terms of providing information at Vertical Pro was extremely good. A slightly greater public presence would have been desirable but this was presumably due to the current situation regarding the pandemic. It was a pity that many items on the agenda such as talks and demonstrations took place in parallel, which meant that it was not possible to get to everything. The concept of Vertical Pro as a whole is definitely worthwhile!"

INFO: Vertical Pro

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