Ruby Valley Trek - Himalayan Frozen Adventure

Ruby Valley Trek - Himalayan Frozen Adventure
Ganesh Himal region

Ruby Valley trek Observes the beautiful hidden Valley which famous trekking destination in the Ganesh Himal region as has amazing Minerals including ruby, the red precious stone. A beautiful jaw-dropping view of Ganesh and Manaslu Himal ranges can be seen from this trek, Similarly, it’s also the homeland of the original Gurkhas. Ruby Valley Trek route takes beautiful villages of Tamang and Gurung to explore the amazing culture and rich traditions. The trail mostly goes through gradual, terraced farms, a steep climb, snow-capped peaks, flatlands, and beautiful scenery of the lush green forest. Ruby Valley trekking provides a magnificent view of Langtang, Bouddha Himal, Hiunchuli, Ganesh Himal, and other peaks Himalayas.

Ruby Valley trekking also called Homestay trek, it’s a new trekking trail in Nepal. Ruby Valley Trek is between Manaslu Conservation Area and Langtang National Park that beautiful attraction will make the journey even more enjoyable. This trek is not enough only reference landscape there are many excited like visit Buddhist monasteries & Hindu temples, herbal plants, minerals like crystal, serene lakes, flora, and fauna. The highest elevation of this trek is Pangsang Pass (3845 m) which provides the wonderful views of Ganesh Himal I (7422m), Ganesh Himal II (7118m), Ganesh III(70433m) Ganesh Himal IV(7104m). Ruby Valley Trek trail is one of the fantastic adventure treks in Nepal, this trail passes the undulating rivers, tantalizing Himalayas, and unique heritage.

Ruby Valley Trek Itinerary begins from UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kathmandu, then takes scenic drive to Syabrubesi(1,503m), you enter the Langtang National Park where has enchanting floras and faunas, and trek ascent to beautiful Gatlang(2,337m) via Chawatar. Similarly, exploring the Tamang culture & lifestyle, trek leads along suspension bridges and lush green forests with sacred Lake. After leaving the Somdang(3,271m) village goes to Pangsang Pass (3,842m), then enjoy the wonderful Himalayan view, green meadow, rhododendron forest, rocky hills, and waterfalls. And trek explores the delightful Chalish and Khadhing where you get to see traditional culture and warm hospitality.

We, Himalayan Frozen Adventure designed perfect Ruby Valley Trek 11 Days package to spend your holidays at the homestay. Spring from March to April and Autumn from October to November is the best season to go on Ruby Valley Trek. For Ruby Valley Trek cost or any other information, feel free to get in touch anytime with us, we always ready for customer services.

Ruby Valley Trek Itinerary

Day 01:Arrival in Kathmandu

Day 02:Kathmandu to Drive Syabrubensi [1,420m, 7–8hrs]

Day 03:Trek from Syabrubensi to Gatlang [2,240m, 6 hrs]

Day 04:Trek from Gatlang Trek to Somdang [3,270m, 6–7hrs]

Day 05:Trek from Somdang to Pangsang pass [3845 m/12645 ft] to Tipling [1,875m, 8–9 hrs]

Day 06:Trek from Tipling to Chalis Gaon [1,800m 3 hrs]

Day 07:Trek from Chalish to Khadhing [2,300m, 6 hrs]

Day 08:Rest at Khadhing [2,300m]

Day 09:Trek from Khading to Jharlang [1,500m, 5–6 hrs]

Day 10:Trek from Jharlang to Dundre Khola [2 hrs] and drive to Dhading Besi [830m, 4 hrs]

Day 11:Dhading to Drive Kathmandu [1,350m, 4 hrs]

Note: For a detailed itinerary click here

Ruby Valley Trek Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is mandatory to have to join an adventurous trip in the Himalayas. It is for your safety. The travel insurance must cover things like illness, medical emergencies, accidents, death, trip cancellation, and loss of personal baggage & items. All costs for Emergency Evacuation must be paid in cash in Nepal unless an insurance company has agreed to pay all the cost on your behalf. Make sure that your travel insurance covers activities in the Himalayas if you are participating in them.

*Note: Foreigners are not allowed to purchase an insurance policy in Nepal. So make sure to purchase good travel insurance in your country, and it is your responsibility to check whether your insurance policy is adequate or not.

  Ruby Valley Trek Accommodation

Ruby Valley Trek accommodations are Lodge and Teahouse. Around Kathmandu, we can find a good facility with comfortable accommodation at the Hotel. Ruby Valley Trek, all accommodations are on the twin-shared basis. During the trek, Himalayan frozen Adventure will manage room with attached washrooms. In the teahouse, we have to share the toilet. Single room is available in Kathmandu and the lower elevation trekking region but might be impossible to higher elevations.

  Ruby Valley Trek Meals

At the Kathmandu have included only breakfast. During the Ruby Valley Trek, all meals will be provided. In the Ganesh Himal region, we can enjoy Nepalese food with international cuisine like Tibetan, Continental, Indian, Tibetan, Italian, etc. Throughout the trek, we have breakfast/lunch at the teahouse and Dinner will be at the lodge. You can choices different kinds of breakfast, lunch, and dinner by the menu.

Book This Trip!!



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