Matterhorn Day of Silence

Matterhorn Day of Silence
Matterhorn z italské strany.
Autor snímku René Kujan

Tuesday, 2015 July 14, the anniversary of the first ascent via the Swiss ridge Matterhorn, is the Day of Silence. The all mountain remains symbolically closed for climbers, as a mark of respect and in memory of the dead of the Edward Whymper group and all those climbers who over the years have lost their lives on the Matterhorn.

In order to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the first two ascents of the Matterhorn, from 10 to 19 July 2015 at Breuil-Cervinia Valtournenche, the Italian Region of Valle d'Aosta and the Municipality of Valtournenche invite everyone to take part in 10 days of climbing events, culture, sports, music and entertainment to celebrate the Cervino.

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The 150th anniversary of Matterhorn first climb

Having acknowledged that to celebrate this special day the Matterhorn must be symbolically closed to climbers, on both the Italian and Swiss sides, to honour the memory of those who have lost their lives on the mountain starting from the deaths of the first roped party which reached the summit.

Thursday, July 16 all night party with The Nor dou Cervin / The Night of the Matterhorn. This begins with the movie marathon Matterhorn CineMountain 150 (a thrilling non-stop film night, dedicated to Matterhorn on the silver screen), which lasts all through the night, with a crescendo of historical re-enactments, a touring theatre, folk group performances, music and dance, attempts at traditional sport, tasting sessions and pubs and bars open until late in Breuil-Cervinia.

The biggest musical event that evening is the L’Orage,concert, the Valle d’Aosta group that mixes the traditional music of the western Alps with electronic sounds to create an exciting mountain rock sound. A bonfire at midnight at the foot of the Matterhorn will illuminate the start of the anniversary.

On the morning of July 17 the Guides of Cervino, Zermatt and Chamonix and some members of the Alpine Club of London will climb the Matterhorn for the Ceremony of friendship on the summit, to share the anniversary of the first ascent from the Italian side.

In doing so they will seal a mountaineering history marked by friendship that surpasses all challenges. Don Paolo Papone, parish priest of Valtournenche, will celebrates Mass on the mountain.

Culture and literature are on the agenda as of 16.00 at Valtournenche with Matterhorn over the top, during which great journalists and alpinists will discuss the profound human need to share their experiences in the mountains.

Mario Calabresi, editor of La Stampa, talks with Reinhold Messner, Hervé Barmasse, Catherine Destivelle and journalist Sandro Filippini. Reinhold Messner will introduce his new book about the Matterhorn and, together with Sandro Filippini, the book Walter Bonatti, the brother I never knew I had; Hervé Barmasse will discuss the genesis of his first book The mountain inside; Catherine Destivelle will delve into her adventure as publisher; Gérard Ottavio, President of the Cervino Guides, will introduce two new books published on the anniversary of start of the association.

Tales of the Matterhorn begins at 21:00 at the Centro Congressi Billia in Saint-Vincent. Reinhold Messner, Hervé Barmasse, Catherine Destivelle and Simon Anthamatten discuss the figures of Jean-Antoine Carrel and Edward Whymper and 150 years of gripping challenges lived out on the Gran Becca (the Matterhorn). An intense and inspiring evening, conducted by Kay Rush, with live music by the L’Orage.

Saturday, July 18 is Matterhorn Walking day: philosophical trekking-mountaineering with mountaineers and guides of the Matterhorn. Catherine Destivelle, Hervé Barmasse, Simon Anthamatten recount, while walking at the foot of the Matterhorn, together with Kay Rush and outdoor enthusiasts, along simple paths that lead to lunch at Rifugio Duca degli Abruzzi all'Oriondé.

The afternoon continues at the Alpini church for the musical version of The Conquest of the Matterhorn Livio Viano, with Great Becca as natural scenery. At 18:00, in the picturesque Hydroelectric CVA Maen, the exhibition From Châtillon to the Matterhorn on old postcards 1881-1929. From 22:30, the fireworks show CVA novel Matterhorn's incredible conquest. Stories, legends, fires" is the highlight of the evening in Breuil-Cervinia.

Sunday, July 19 Mountain running with Run training Cervino: a morning of free training around the Matterhorn, with skyrunning World Champion Bruno Brunod, Team Forte di Bard and former speed record holder on the Matterhorn. Italian pop singer Irene Grandi will bring to a close the Matterhorn 150 celebration, with a great afternoon concert on the shores of Lago Blu.

INFO: Cervino 2015 - 150 anni dalla conquista

Cervino 2015 - 150 anni dalla conquista from on Vimeo. Matterhorn na HORYDOLY

Dani Arnold: Matterhorn Speed Record (English)

Kudy na Matterhorn (Czech)

Hřeben Hörnli (Czech)

Lví hřeben (Czech)

Cesta bratří Schmidů (Czech)

25 hodin na Matterhornu (Czech)

Historie výstupu na Matterhorn (Czech)

Matterhorn na lyžích (Czech)

O nespravedlnosti olympijské (Czech)



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