10 Reasons Why You Should Travel to Zanzibar

10 Reasons Why You Should Travel to Zanzibar
Hotelová recepční v Africe.
Autor snímku RSJ

Travelling in times of Covid-19 seems almost unimaginable. But what if the opposite is true, and, actually, the time to travel is now? Here are 10 reasons why visiting Tanzania at the moment is not only safe, but also easy and convenient.

Whether you leave for a vacation or to make it your new home office spot, staying at the Zuri Zanzibar offers everything you could want.

VIDEO Zanzibar Zuri resort

1. A TOURIST-FREE ZANZIBAR. Experience the authentic atmosphere of the Spice Island exactly as it looked 20 years ago and see the real face of an African island.

Zuri Zanzibar.

2. Zanzibar is one of the only equatorial destinations open. Whilst Bali, Thailand and Australia are closed for travellers, ZANZIBAR IS OFFICIALLY A COVID-19 FREE DESTINATION, welcoming travellers from all around the world.

Zuri Zanzibar.

3. Travel without restrictions. NO NEGATIVE COVID CERTIFICATE is required upon arrival, unless specified by your country of departure or airline company.

Zuri Zanzibar.

4. Flying with QATAR, EMIRATES, KLM, ETHIOPIAN OR TURKISH AIRLINES feels as good as ever before. The only differences are the empty airports and mandatory masks and shields which help to protect you from many other diseases.

Zuri Zanzibar.

5. Escape any airport chaos upon arrival by booking the VIP AIRPORT LOUNGE that is used for government officers. Everything will be taken care of for you until you get into your private car and travel directly to the hotel.

Horydoly.czCZECH LANGUAGE: Zuri se pyšní zlatou certifikací EarthCheck

6. Take a smooth and comfortable drive. The main road to the northern part of Zanzibar has recently been successfully repaired which means that ZURI IS NOW ACCESSIBLE WITHIN A 1 HOUR DRIVE FROM THE AIRPORT.

Zuri Zanzibar.

7. Zuri is ideal for social distancing. With its large area of individually built units and OPEN-SPACE AREAS WITH UNLIMITED FRESH AIR, Zuri Zanzibar is the answer to the new age of travelling.

Zuri Zanzibar.

8. The Zuri team has taken all the COVID-19 PREVENTATIVE MEASURES seriously, however, apart from masks and disinfection you won’t notice any difference. Maybe that is the reason why Zuri has a 3 times higher occupancy rate than the surrounding (open) hotels.

Zuri Zanzibar.

9. ZURI KEEPS ITS GUESTS’ FEEDBACK RANKING high, even during these challenging times.

Zuri Zanzibar.

10. This is the ideal place for your Covid-19 escape, whether you are looking for A ROMANTIC HOLIDAY OR A LONG-TERM STAY

INFO: Zuri Zanzibar.

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