70.000 people are demonstrating against prime minister

70.000 people are demonstrating against prime minister
Svatý Václave, vévodo české země, kníže náš,
pros za nás Boha, svatého Ducha!
Kriste, eleison.
Ty jsi dědic české země, rozpomeň se na své plémě,
nedej zahynouti nám ni budoucím, svatý Václave!
Kriste, eleison.
Pomoci my tvé žádáme, smiluj se nad námi,
utěš smutné, zažeň vše zlé, svatý Václave!
Kriste, eleison.
Autor snímku Kuba Turek

Dear friends, I would like to inform you Germans, Croatians, Bosnians, Slovakian, French, Columbians, Italians what happens in Czechia (Czech Republic if you want). Tens thousands of people are demonstrating against our prime minister. Why?

70.000 people are demonstrating against prime minister
Na václavským Václaváku je moc člověků...
Autor snímku Mates

He is investigate by police for the grants scam. And when the police give their findings to public prosecutor our PM change the minister of justice.

Isn't it weird? We think so. He wants to manipulate with courts.

There are more problems with him (no money - it means 0 % of country budget to social system next year, devastation of the ground, colaborating with communists in the past, shaking hands with president Zeman - in love with China and Russia and so else).

But the justice at the first place.

Estimates of police: 70.000

VIDEO Wenceslas Square Demonstration

INFO: Milion chvilek pro demokracii



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