All Around eMTB Race

All Around eMTB Race
Údolí Aosta na elektrokole.
Autor snímku Alex Luise - All Around

With just days to go to the start of the first edition of the e-mountain bike race that will take competitors on a circular route overlooked by the Valle d’Aosta’s spectacular 4,000-ers between July 5th and 9th, we bring you the details of the four stages!

All Around eMTB Race
All Around eMTB Val d´Aosta.
Autor snímku Alex Luise - All Around

The wait for start of the very first All Around eMTB Race Bosch ePowered is almost over: between July 5th and 9th, a hundred competitors from various European nations will traverse the Valle d’Aosta on their e-mountain bikes on a circular circuit marked out on the valley’s most spectacular trails and roads.


After a short time trial on July 5th to decide the start order, the event goes live with the first 46-kilometre stage. Starting from Cogne, this promises an elevation gain of 1,550 metres and reaches its highest point at the Finestra di Champorcher at 2,826 metres. Adding an edge to the first day will be the “il più forte del Forte” (Strongest of the Strong) time trail, a 700-metre sprint with a 75-metre elevation gain in the stunning early 19th century Forte di Bard complex.

All Around eMTB.


The second stage starts from Gressoney-La-Trinitè and stretches 57 kilometres with a 2,416-metre elevation gain. The bikers will cross the Ru Courtod, a medieval aqueduct built to irrigate the Val d’Ayas and provide water to the town of Saint-Vincent. A head torch will be compulsory on this stage to tackle the 14 hand-quarried tunnels in the last stretch.

All Around eMTB.


The third stage starts from Antey-Saint-André: the route will have an elevation gain of 2,321 metres and is 44 kilometres long. The climbs the bikers will tackle are Col de Chaleby (2,516 m) and Col de Vessonaz (2.775 m), both very challenging, with stretches when they will have to push their e-mountain bikes. But after this, their reward is an exhilarating technical 1,500-metre descent from Col de Vessonaz to the finish-line at Oyace, and also a short transfer stretch on asphalt to the All Around Camp at Valpelline.

All Around eMTB.


Competitors will gather in the old town centre of Aosta for the fourth and final stage from where they will take the cable car to Pila. Then it’s off on a 44-kilometre dash with a total 1,132-metre elevation gain. The stage begins on the circular cross country track at the Pila bike park before continuing on to Colle Tza Setze. Once the bikers have made it to the top, they will begin an exhilarating final descent to the finish-line in the centre of Cogne.

All Around eMTB.

The final prize-giving for all the categories in the first All Around eMTB Race Bosch ePowered will be held in Cogne also.



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DownMall Praha, Arkády Sjezd na horských kolech 8.2.
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AIME - veletrh Austrálie, Melbourne 10.-12.2. 10.2.
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Free - veletrh Německo, Mnichov 19.-23.2. 19.2.
Nautika - veletrh Chorvatsko, Záhřeb 19.-23.2. 19.2.


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