Hydro power plant Hradec Králové, Bohemia

Hydro power plant Hradec Králové, Bohemia
Labe, Hradec Králové, jez a vodní elektrárna Hučák.
Autor snímku ČEZ

The hydro power plant in Hradec Králové is protected as a national cultural heritage, enlisted in the Central Registry of Cultural Monuments. Together with the bridge system, it constitutes a major part of the cultural heritage of Hradec Králové. Among the general public, the plant is known as Hučák (roarer or hummer).

Hydro power plant Hradec Králové, Bohemia
Labe, Hradec Králové, jez a vodní elektrárna Hučák.
Autor snímku ČEZ

The construction of the Hradec plant had begun in 1909 on the 157th kilo­meter of the Labe river, close to its fork with the Orlice river. It started operating in 1911. Its architecture was tastefully and efficiently designed by architect František Sander. The bridge with the segmented weir was built in 1911 by engineer František Jirásek, its architecture was designed, again, by František Sander. Today, the object is considered to be a brilliant example of a civil engineering project from the period before the First World War.

The dam of the plant holds 340 000 cubic meters of water, powering three Francis turbines. The turbines are fully functional, with the last reconstruction carried out between 1922 and 1926. The power plant permanently supplied energy to the city since the end of January 1912, in the form of three phase alternate current with the voltage of 5000 V. The speed of the turbines is 125 RPM, the active output of the generators is 0,25  MW. The power plant facilities include three switch buildings of high voltage of 35 kV, 5 kV and 10/5 kV.

Horydoly.czRIVER GUIDE: Labe / Elbe (czech language)

Labe, Hradec Králové, jez a vodní elektrárna Hučák.

Modern Town on Elbe River

Hradec Králové is a rare example of a town where ancient and modern architecture function in harmony. The modern architecture includes the power plant and the bridge Hučák.

Hradec Králové First documents mentioning Hradec date back to 1225, alhough the settlements at the fork of Orlice and Labe are ancient.

The flourishing of the town in 14th century has plenty of evidence at the town square, dominated by the cathedral of the Holy Spirit, fouded in 1307. It was rebuilt in 1463 in the style of late Gothic, and again between 1864 and 1876. The bell tower called Bílá věž hides the second largest Czech bell, casted in 1509. In 1765, the empress Maria Therese ordered Hradec to be rebuit into a giant fortress. The fortress, however, had to be abolished in 1884 due to being ineffective.


Then, a contest was drawn for a design of the town’s concept, and this is when the modern era of Hradec architecture had begun. It peaked in the period of 1926-1928, when the plans of architect Josef Gočár were gradually implemented. One of the successful examples of modern architecture is the art-nouveau building of the museum, designed and built by Jan Kotěra between 1909 and 1912.

Zobrazit místo World of rivers. Světové, české a slovenské řeky. na větší mapě



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