Massacre of Glencoe 1692

Massacre of Glencoe 1692
Glencoe Order 1692.
Autor snímku Wikimedia Commons

You are hereby ordered to fall upon the rebels, the McDonalds of Glenco, and put all to the sword under seventy. You are to have a special care that the old Fox and his sons doe upon no account escape your hands, you are to secure all the avenues that no man escape.

Jak na to

In three villages Invercoe, Inverrigan, Achacon (Scottich Highlands) the early Feb: 13, 1692 killed 38 men. 40 women and children died of hypothermia when soldiers burned their houses.

This you are to putt in execution at fyve of the clock precisely; and by that time, or very shortly after it, I'll strive to be att you with a stronger party: if I doe not come to you att fyve, you are not to tarry for me, but to fall on. This is by the Kings speciall command, for the good & safety of the Country, that these miscreants be cutt off root and branch. See that this be putt in execution without feud or favour, else you may expect to be dealt with as one not true to King nor Government, nor a man fitt to carry Commissione in the Kings service. Expecting you will not faill in the fulfilling hereof, as you love your selfe, I subscribe these with my hand att Balicholis Feb: 12, 1692

R. Duncanson
For their Majesties service To Capt. Robert Campbell of Glenlyon nabízí: zájezdy do skotského Edinburghu a okolí




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