Nendaz Freeride 2022: great controlled risk-taking for a very competitive event!

Nendaz Freeride 2022: great controlled risk-taking for a very competitive event!
Nendaz Freeride.
Autor snímku Lévy Loye

The Nendaz Freeride 4* FWQ took place under a glorious sun on Saturday the 5th of March 2022 on the Mont-Gond. About sixty of the best riders on the circuit fought hard to get on the podium. The little snow that fell in the last few weeks made their task more difficult, pushing them to look for original lines. The freeriders offered an amazing show to the public present on site or those following the event live behind their screens.

Nendaz Freeride 2022: great controlled risk-taking for a very competitive event!
Nendaz Freeride.
Autor snímku Antoine Fournier

There were some outstanding runs, some incredible tricks and several falls that were fortunately not serious!

VIDEO Nendaz 2022 Freeride

The riders showed huge determination and commitment. The stakes were high: the Nendaz Freeride is the first of the three stages of the FWQ Finals in 2022, where everything lies on winning a place on the Freeride World Tour! There were 62 riders, the best of the Freeride World Qualifier and several of the Freeride World Tour riders who were still trying to validate their place for next season.

Horydoly.czNendaz Freeride 2022: the full climax of the grand final this Saturday on Mont-Gond

1. Max Hitzig (AUT) 96.00
2. Valentin Rainer (AUT) 92.00
3. Paul Dentan (CH) 91.00
The level was extremely high in this category, with no less than eight competitors exceeding 80 points. Therefore, it was necessary to make runs that were close to perfection to hope to be on the podium. And this is what the young Austrian, Max Hitzig, 19 years old, accomplished. He didn't make any mistakes, faced big rocky bars and landed two beautiful backflips perfectly. He, who owes his presence to a wildcard, created a surprise by taking 1st place. "As I was invited, I didn't have any pressure, so I was able to do everything I wanted to do and it worked out really well," he said in an interview after his performance. His compatriot, Valentin Rainer, who came to Nendaz in the hope of maintaining his place on the Freeride World Tour, was eagerly awaited, having finished 3rd in 2021. He didn't disappoint and finished in 2nd place. He convinced the judges with his great speed of execution, his numerous tricks including a gigantic 360. The Swiss Paul Dentan succeeded in reaching the third step of the podium thanks to a very intense run marked by a huge backflip with a perfect landing.

Nendaz Freeride.

1. Gabriel Bletton (FRA) 89.33
2. Liam Rivera (MEX) 84.67
3. Christophe Charlet (FRA) 89.33
The men's snowboarding category, which opened the competition, put on a great show with some very good risk taking. It was the Frenchman Gabriel Bletton who took first place after a very fast run, with a different line than the ones that preceded it, opened by a perfectly placed backflip and completed by a 360. A great feat, especially as he was riding Mont-Gond for the first time! Third place went to one of his compatriots, Christophe Charlet, who also showed originality and notably passed a huge bar with a control rarely equalled. Mexico's Liam Rivera took second place, confirming his good form after a victory at the FWQ 4* in Verbier a fortnight ago. He stood out with an error-free run and some great tricks including two 360s.

Nendaz Freeride.

1. Manon Loschi (FRA) 90.00
2. Megane Betend (FRA) 84.00
3. Jenna Keller (SUI) 82.00
This category was very competitive with an extremely high level. The young French rider, Manon Loschi, 20 years old, gave a fantastic demonstration even though it was her first time participating in the Nendaz Freeride 4*: very good skiing, great control in the rocky bars and a magnificent 360. She thus added the Nendaz Freeride and Verbier FWQ 4* double to her list of achievements in the space of two weeks! Her compatriot Megane Betend, who finished 2nd, was already familiar with Mont-Gond as she tasted victory there last year. She once again made a very impressive run, fast, fluid and including the passage of three beautiful rocky bars. The Swiss rider Jenna Keller was again on the third step of the podium as she was at the FWQ 4* in Verbier with an intense and fast run and three perfectly cleared bars.

Nendaz Freeride.

1 Anna Orlova (RUS) 80.00
2 Estelle Rizzolio (FRA) 78.00
3 Sara Andresen (SUI) 72.00
Coming from the Freeride World Tour, the Russian Anna Orlova did not tremble in front of Mont-Gond. She won this event with a very smooth and faultless run with perfectly placed jumps.
The French rider Estelle Rizzolio, 3rd in 2021 and already winner of two 4* competitions this winter, finished 2nd in this edition of the Nendaz Freeride, thanks in particular to a great originality in the choice of her line. The Swiss rider Sara Andresen took third place with a flowing descent and well placed jumps with a grab.


INFO: Nendaz Freeride

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