Nendaz Freeride: Incredible Performances Despite Challenging Snow Conditions

Nendaz Freeride: Incredible Performances Despite Challenging Snow Conditions
Estelle Rizzolio freeride Nendaz.
Autor snímku Alain Blanc

The Nendaz Freeride 4* FWQ took place under glorious sunshine on Saturday 6th March 2021 on the slopes of Mont-Gond. In spite of the absence of any fresh snow over the past fortnight, this idyllic location still reserved a few spots of powder for the fifty or so riders present, among whom some of the very best in the freeride world.

Nendaz Freeride: Incredible Performances Despite Challenging Snow Conditions
Florian Bouvet-Fournier na snowboardu.
Autor snímku Lévy Loye

They were able to make the most of the situation, offering a superb show to the jury and to all the internet users following the event live behind their screens (competition closed to the general public due to the covid-19 pandemic).

The French riders were particularly successful at the Nendaz Freeride event, by winning first place in each category. But the Swiss freeriders also stood out from the crowd with a total of three podiums. The competition was watched by several tens of thousands of people live on the internet and social networks thanks to the considerable resources made available by Nendaz Freeride and the Freeride World Tour.

VIDEO Nendaz Freeride 2021

Men’s ski category
1. Victor Lourdel (FRA) 95.33
2. Maxime Chabloz (SUI) 93.33
3. Valentin Rainer (AUT) 89.33

An overall very strong level in the men's ski category, as can be seen by the exceptionally high scores of the leading trio. Frenchman Victor Lourdel distinguished himself with a very solid run and perfectly placed rock bar jumps. The young rider from Vaud, Maxime Chabloz (19 years old) didn't hesitate against the tough competition. He is a regular on the podium with a freeride junior world champion title as well as a kitesurf junior world champion title to his credit. He thus adds to his achievements a second place in the Freeride World Qualifier thanks to a most impressive run which, after several tricks, ended with a huge blackflip. The Austrian Valentin Rainer showed very good technique with a 360° and big rock bar jumps, placing him in third position.

Men’s snowboard category
1. Ludovic Guillot-Diat (FRA) 78.67
2. Timm Schröder (GER) 76.33
3. Enzo Nilo (FRA) 74.33

The men's snowboarders, who opened the competition, offered a great performance with some very interesting risk-taking. It was Frenchman Ludovic Guillot-Diat who took first place after a very controlled and fast run with a perfect backflip. While last edition, he stepped up on to the second step of the podium of the Nendaz Freeride, today he won 1st place for the third time in eight participations! The third place goes to one of his compatriots, Nilo Enzo, who showed a lot of commitment with a perfect 360° and the passage of a very big rock bar. The German Timm Schröder takes second place with a backflip at the beginning and a very fast and fluid run.

Women’s ski category
1. Megane Betend (FRA) 82.00
2. Martina Müller (SUI) 80.33
3. Sybille Blanjean (SUI) 73.33

Victory in the women's ski category went to Megane Betend. This French freerider stood out with her very original choice of line, high speed and a series of rocky bars. Both Swiss ladies, Martina Müller and Sybille Blanjean were also very impressive. Martina Müller created a surprise by winning second place with a very well executed 360° on her first jump. She had won her wildcard for this 4* competition thanks to her victory at the Nendaz Freeride 3* a few days earlier. Sybille Blanjean, rising star of the Swiss freeride scene, confirms that she is also a force to be reckoned with by winning third place. She excelled with great speed and a run without any hitches.

Nendaz Freeride.

Women’s snowboard category
1. Tiphanie Perrotin (FR) 85.67
2. Mikaela Hollsten (FIN) 81.67
3. Estelle Rizzolio (FR) 75.33

In the women's snowboarding category, French rider Tiphanie Perrotin who took second place in 2018, won first place in 2021 with well-controlled jumps and a very well chosen line. Finland's Mikaela Hollsten, who, after winning the 3* competition a few days ago, takes second place in the 4* competition, just as she did in the last edition in 2019. It is also a Frenchwoman, Estelle Rizzolio, who finishes on the third step of the podium thanks to her very well executed jumps.

Horydoly.czREAD ALSO: Nendaz-Veysonnaz put beginners on skis

INFO: Nendaz Freeride

Zobrazit místo Skiareály - Skiarea - Lyžařská střediska na větší mapě



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