The Top 10 destinations on, in and around the water In SalzburgerLand

The Top 10 destinations on, in and around the water In SalzburgerLand
Draugstein Grossarltal.
Autor snímku SalzburgerLand

Still enjoyment and sparkling pleasure in SalzburgerLand In SalzburgerLand, the next cool water is never far away. In addition to numerous lakes, streams and swimming pools, nature has orchestrated this precious element in a uniquely beautiful and impressive way.

Sometimes, people have also helped by creating attractions loved for generations such as the Water Games in Hellbrunn or the Alpine Canal. Whether on a barge trip on Lake Fuschl or a visit to the world's largest water bearing cave, these attractions in SalzburgerLand meet all expectations for both still and sparkling moments of pleasure.

1. A barge trip with a fish snack on Lake Fuschl
Lake Fuschl belongs geographically to the Salzkammergut region and is one of the most beautiful lakes in SalzburgerLand. Embedded between meadows and forests, surrounded by easily hike-able peaks and with the "Sissi" palace on its shores, it is considered the epitome of peaceful summer freshness. You can walk around Lake Fuschl in about three and a half hours, but a ride on the "Fuschlerin" is even more beautiful. This small barge with a sunroof can accommodate up to twenty people and the silent and thoroughly romantic journey takes around 40 minutes. It moors up on the lake promenade in Fuschl and on the palace smoke-house on the opposite bank. Here we recommend a fish snack with freshly smoked trout, char and whitefish, which come from the diverse fish stocks of the 67 deep lakes with their drinking water quality.


2. A forest pool in the Plötz natural monument in Ebenau
The Plötz natural monument in the Lake Fuschl region is a wonderful destination for the whole family and a refreshing treat on a hot summer’s day. A total of five historical mills have been preserved along the gurgling Rettenbach stream which, between the 14th and 20th Centuries, were used by the Ebenau farmers from the surrounding farms to grind their bread grain. The well-marked mill hiking trail leads through the enchanting canyon, past the mills, washed out pools and the fifty metre high waterfall together with its pebble beach. A hike to the large meadow takes a good hour and upon arrival at the top you are rewarded with magnificent views of the Gaisberg and Watzmann Mountains. On the way back, the natural bathing pools at the Eder Mill invite you to stop for a short, charming bathe in the forest.


3. Salzach Panoramic boat ride and fountain walk in the city of Salzburg
Water is also everywhere in the Mozart city of Salzburg with the "Amadeus" panoramic boat giving passengers unusual views of the city during a boat ride on the Salzach river. The boat ride heads South about eight kilometres upstream and then back to the pier at the Markartsteg. Many a passenger is amazed by the rushing streams which flow from the height of the Old Town down into the Salzach River. These are the seven outlets of the Alpine Canal which is one of the oldest water and energy supply systems in Central Europe. The Alpine Canal is a 12th Century based artificial stream bed that funnels the water from the Berchtesgadener natural outflow through the Salzburg suburbs of St. Leonhard, Grödig, Gneiss, Leopoldskron, Maxglan and Mülln and on into the Old Town. Again and again one hears the rush of the water, such as at the bakery by St. Peter's Cemetery or on the University Square. Special features of the Alpine Canal include the standing "surf wave" in the district of Gneiss and the guided tours through the canal arm which are offered annually in autumn. This canal arm runs underground through the Mönchsberg Mountain and is a unique witness to historical water architecture, which has contributed to the city’s water supply for over 860 years. In Salzburg, 47 fountains shape the cityscape, including masterpieces such as the Residenz fountain, the Kapitelschwemme and the Hofmarstallschwemme. There are also many smaller wall fountains, market fountains and ornamental fountains among the beautiful monuments to Salzburg’s water art.


4. Hellbrunn Fun Palace and its Baroque water games
Prince Archbishop Marcus Sitticus had the magnificent Hellbrunn Palace and its expansive park built in only three years of construction time. Even 400 years later, Hellbrunn is considered as a real jewel on the southern outskirts of Salzburg, with the water games, the small Monats palace, the stone theatres and the zoo. The water games, with their many surprises, are a real magnet for visitors while there are also guided tours through the richly decorated grottos, fountains and water machines from the 17th Century. The highlights include, among others, the "Roman Theatre" with the Prince's Table, the stone seats with hidden water jets and the Venetian mirror grotto with bird sounds produced by water power. The original mechanical theatre from the year 1750 is a true masterpiece as it represents a small baroque town with more than 100 moving wooden figures and a hydraulic organ.

5. Nostalgia at the Golling Waterfall and adrenaline in the Salzachöfen
Water has always been a point of attraction for travellers, poets and painters. Since 1800, the Golling Waterfall has become a favourite of artists and hot summer bodies, and the 76 metre high waterfall is still today a very worthwhile attraction. At the foot of the imposing Göll massif, one can hike up from the bottom to the top on a secured trail. Here, visitors dive into a magical world of rainbows, witches cauldrons, thunderous spray, mossy stones and delicate ferns. At the top end of the waterfall you arrive at its source where the crystal clear water gushes out of the mountain from a mysterious, Ivy shrouded Karst spring at a height of 479 metres. Additionally in Golling, there are the imposing Salzachöfen gorges which breakthrough between the Hagen and Tennen Mountain ranges and run 80 meters deep directly on the Lueg Pass. The gorge, through which the Salzach River paves its way northwards, can be hiked on adventure tours or crossed with the zip line at a dizzy height.

6. Cool, loud and imposing - the 300 metre deep Liechtenstein Gorge
The Liechtenstein Gorge in St. Johann in Pongau, at 300 meters deep is one of the largest and most beautiful gorges in the Alps. In the middle of the 19th Century, Prince Johann II commissioned the accessibility of this impressive gorge from and to Liechtenstein, which is where it gets its name. Since 1876, one can hike here quite safely on secured trails and bridges which deliver a very impressive experience. The water of the Großarler Ache shimmers in beautiful shades of green and blue, massive tree trunks look like toothpicks floating along and bizarre rock formations are immersed in a fine spray by the thundering waters. The trail through the cool gorge takes a good hour until at the end you reach the Schleier Fall, where the noise is substantial and even on hot summer days, warm clothing is recommended.

7. Hike to the largest mountain lake in the Alps, the Tappenkarsee
The hike from Kleinarl to the fabled Tappenkarsee takes around 90 minutes. This hidden hiking destination at 1,762 metres above sea level is not only a glittering jewel in the midst of the Niedere Tauern Mountains but also the largest mountain lake in the Eastern Alps across approximately 24 hectares and to a depth of 50 metres. According to legend, a voracious and vengeful dragon lives in its depths, although it hasn’t been spotted so far. On the lakeside, two managed huts, the Tappenkarseealm and the Tappenkarsee hut, offer a nice stop-off. This hike is also suitable for families and a worthwhile hiking destination in fine weather.


8. In the footsteps of the Lamprecht Knight through the Lamprecht
Cave The fabled treasure of the Lamprecht Knight has never been found, but the biggest water channelling cave in the world is always worth a visit. Just off the road between Lofer and St. Martin in Salzburg’s Saalach Valley is the entrance to the gigantic cave system with more than 50km of tunnels. A well secured part is open for visitors, which can be seen in about 90 minutes. Water is omnipresent here asit's a "ventilated" cave, which means that the Lamprechts cave is sensitive to conditions happening high above in the Loferer Steinberge Mountains. Depending on the water level, it can get very draughty with rain and thunderstorms causing the cave streams to swell. Thus, you can hear the water splashing incessantly which has, over 25 million years, led to the impressive grinding and channelling of the Dachstein and Dolomite limestone of the caves.

Saalach, river-tubing.

9. Idyllically located Lake Preber with the traditional Preber Shooting
There are around 60 Alpine lakes in the UNESCO Biosphere Park of Salzburg Lungau - more than anywhere else in Europe. Many of these lakes are hidden away between valleys and peaks, but in contrast the Prebersee can easily be reached by car. This Alpine moorland lake sits at 1,514 metres above sea level and reaches a temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius in summer. You can swim here if you are happy to share the meadows with the cows. The moor nature trail around the lake takes about one hour and also passes by the shooting ranges of the unique Preber shooting event. This traditional custom has taken place every year at the end of August on the shore of the lake since 1834. Here, the experienced shooters aim not at the 120 metre distant targets, but at their mirror image on the surface of the water. The objective is to get the bullet to not sink, but deflect off the boggy surface water and hit the target disc on the shore. In 1957, even a delegation from "Walt Disney" came to film this spectacle on the Prebersee.


10. Krimml Waterfalls with Hohe Tauern Health and water-worlds
The Krimml waterfalls are among the absolute superlatives in SalzburgerLand. The Krimml Ache tumbles down about 380 metres across three stages and is thus the highest waterfall in Central Europe. The roar of the water masses can be heard from a distance and makes it clear with what primal power; the water works its way along. This waterfall, in the Hohe Tauern National Park, is four kilometres long. It can be explored on a one and a half hour hike with viewing platforms guaranteeing spectacular plunging views. At the foot of the waterfall, there are the water-worlds which offer diverse experiences with the waterfall centre, the water bar and outdoor water park. The Krimml Water Worlds are not only a spectacular destination, but also, thanks to "Hohe Tauern Health", a unique health offering, with medically supervised stays in the mist of the Krimml waterfalls promising relief from Asthma, allergies and respiratory diseases.



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Matějská pouť Praha, Holešovice 22.2.-13.4. 22.2.
Reise Camping - veletrh Německo, Essen 19.-23.2. 23.2.
Free - veletrh Německo, Mnichov 19.-23.2. 23.2.
For Fishing - veletrh Praha, Letňany 20.-23.2. Rybářství a myslivost 23.2.
Hohe Jagd und Fischerei - veletrh Rakousko, Salzburg 20.-23.2. Lov a rybářství 23.2.
Nautika - veletrh Chorvatsko, Záhřeb 19.-23.2. 23.2.
Utazás - veletrh Maďarsko, Budapešť 20.-23.2. 23.2.
IWA - veletrh Německo, Norimberk 27.2.-2.3. Lovecké potřeby 27.2.
Elan Ski Test Říčky v Orlických horách 27.2.


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