Trieste: Everything is Ready for Bloomsday

Trieste: Everything is Ready for Bloomsday
James Joyce v Terstu.
Autor snímku PromoTurismoFVG

Trieste is preparing to host Bloomsday, the celebration organized around the world on June 16 in honour of the Irish writer James Joyce, whose most famous novel, Ulysses, celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. Joyce conceived the first chapters of Ulysses in Trieste, where he lived for several years.

Trieste: Everything is Ready for Bloomsday
Terst, Ponte Rosso, James Joyce.
Autor snímku PromoTurismoFVG

An important link that will once again be enhanced thanks to the many initiatives organized in the city on the occasion of Bloomsday by the Joyce Museum in Trieste and the Municipality of Trieste in cooperation with the University of Trieste. The event will also benefit from the support of PromoTurismoFVG and the Trieste Convention and Visitors Bureau, with special advantages reserved for those who stay overnight in the city’s accommodation facilities participating in the initiative. 

Thursday, June 16, the date when all the novel’s action takes place, will be staged in its entirety. It is a marathon of events held at the times indicated by Joyce for each episode of Ulysses - from 8 am to 3 am - in 15 different locations in the city centre chosen for their affinity and similarity to the original Dublin settings. It is an unmissable opportunity to experience Trieste and Ulysses together and discover them from another perspective. 

It starts at 8 am with Ulysses’ protagonist, Leopold Bloom’s beloved “breakfast”. The public will be able to eat together with the actors who will stage the episode at the ancient lighthouse “La Lanterna”, a simulacrum of Sandycove’s Martello Tower from the novel. During Bloomsday, it will be illuminated at night by an Irish green light, as will the statue of the writer on the Grand Canal near Piazza del Ponterosso. 

The representations of the various chapters of the novel follow one another at intervals of one hour in the various locations of Trieste. To be noted, the Nausicaa episode, at 8 pm, set in the most famous Trieste beach, that of “Pedocin”, where the meeting of Ulysses/Leopold Bloom, played by Sergio Rubini, and Nausicaa/Gerty McDowell, played by Maria Grazia Plos occurs. Then the Circe chapter with a dance show at 11 pm at the Scala in Piazza Cornelia Romana and the Teatro dei Fabbri, until the last episode Penelope with a monologue entrusted to Diana Höbel and Cosimo Miorelli’s electronic brushes, at 2.00 am in the auditorium of the Revoltella Museum. 

Terst / Trieste.

The festival continues until Sunday, June 19, with many scheduled appointments: itineraries among Joyce’s haunts, literature, food and wine events, book presentations, documentaries, and conferences, including the speech by Edoardo Camurri on Saturday 18 at 6.00 pm at the Sala Bazlen of Palazzo Gopcevich, with music and prestigious international guests: on June 17, at 7 pm at the Politeama Rossetti, the first appointment will host the new show by Mauro Covacich, a monologue/lesson dedicated to Joyce also repeated on June 18 and 19 at the same time. Also, on Friday, at the Politeama Rossetti, Joyce, the piano-recital by Morgan will be staged at 9:00 pm, with the collaboration of the Teatro Stabile of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Bringing the flow of consciousness from the writer’s words to the notes of the piano. Saturday, June 18, at 9:00 pm in the Sala Luttazzi, it will be the turn of Moni Ovadia, who, with the actress Sara Alzetta, will stage oh disse ah, fifty minutes of Joyce concentrate distilled from the pages of Ulysses by the translator Enrico Terrinoni. 

Also, until January 2023, special itineraries are available on foot to trace James Joyce’s footsteps in his various haunts around the city, organized by PromoTurismoFVG. All the visits depart from the PromoTurismoFVG infopoint in Piazza Unità d’Italia 4/b at the cost of 12.00 euros and free with FVGcard, the discovery card of Friuli Venezia Giulia (for more information, write to or call 040 3478312).

INFO: Museo Joyce Trieste

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