An outdoor relay race taking it to the extreme

An outdoor relay race taking it to the extreme
Outdoortrophy running.
Autor snímku ARCHIV Hagen PR

A look at the pained expressions of the outdoortrophy athletes is enough to realize why this relay race is also referred to as the unofficial world championship in outdoor sports. Be it the mountain runners on their extremely steep way up to Niedere Mountain, the paragliders after the accurate landing and a finishing sprint, the white-water kayakers during their fight against rapids and waterfalls or the mountain bikers who overcome exhausting bike carrying passages and breathtaking downhill sections.

An outdoor relay race taking it to the extreme
Outdoortrophy paragliding.
Autor snímku ARCHIV Hagen PR

On August 15th 2015, the outdoortrophy will take place for the twelfth time already. Since 2002, the outdoortrophy has been the place to be when it comes to the world of extreme sports.

For the upcoming event, organizers expect some of the world’s best athletes to compete: "The spectators in Vorarlberg will be able to witness the world elite in outdoor sports," says Chris Alge, head of the competition.

In recent years, Olympic gold medalists such as Thomas Schmidt (kayak) and Jaroslav Kulhavý (mountain bike) competed, as well as mountain running world champions Jonathan Wyatt (New Zealand) and Petro Mamo (Eritrea).

However, just as in previous years, most of the 2015 participants will be ambitious amateurs. Chris Alge: "The accomplishments of the amateurs need to be highlighted – I salute them! I would also like to emphasize the achievements of our local heroes and female athletes, who contribute greatly to the special outdoortrophy atmosphere."

Lone fighters against the forces of nature

What started out as a successful test in 2013 will also play a vital role in 2015: the outdoortrophy solo. Johannes Nister was the first winner in this category in 2013. The Austrian extreme athlete tackled all four disciplines on his own. With a finishing time of 5:16 hours he was faster than some of the teams.

Outdoortrophy 2014. 

Chris Alge: "60 extremely tough kilometers of running, paragliding, kayaking and biking – I don’t know about any comparable race. We provide a platform for the extreme sport all-rounders who dare to rise to this huge challenge." 

Proven race route

The proven race route will not be changed: The mountain runners start in the village center of Egg and overcome 12 kilometers with an altitude gain of 1.100 meters on dirt roads and steep serpentines. After reaching the mountain top Niedere, the paragliders take off after a short run. They pass a buoy in the air and attempt to land accurately in a targeted spot at the Andelsbuch power plant. After a cliff start, the third athlete fights in the whitewater kayak against rapids and overrides a waterfall, before the mountain biker starts the last leg – 30km with an altitude difference of no less than 1’600 meters on single trails, including demanding downhill sections. In 2013, the fastest pro team finished in 3:37 hours, the winners in the amateur category finished in strong 3:57 hours.

Prize money 8.000 Euros

The prize money for professional teams and the “outdoortrophy solo” is 8.000 Euros. On top of that, athletes can win valuable material prizes. As in previous years, there will be a category for company teams. There will also be a “team search” tool to find team members and athletes.

Outdoor party

The icing on the cake of the extreme sport event is the party: The bands Meisterrocker and Benny Fitz und die Almosen will transform the HIGH 5 area at the Bregenzer Ach River into a unique party scene.

INFO: Outdoortrophy

Horydoly.czOutdoortrophy 2013 (english)

Horydoly.czOutdoortrophy 2010 (czech)

Zobrazit místo Mountains - hory na větší mapě



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