CZECHIA: The Most Important Telephone Numbers

CZECHIA: The Most Important Telephone Numbers
24 hodin na koloběžce pod dohledem Městské policie.
Autor snímku Kuba Turek

Important phone numbers for the emergency medical service, fire fighters and police have three digits. You can dial these numbers anywhere, from any phone on, or from a phone without a SIM card.

112 - Universal Emergency Number

This number works across the European Union, Norway, Switzerland and Iceland. On it you can reach the police, fire or medical service. 

Most phones allow you to dial the number 112 even with a locked keyboard; however in older models you will probably need a SIM card to make the call. 

155 - Emergency Medical Service

In case of serious and unexpected injury or different acute health problems, call the number 155. The medical emergency operator is a qualified health care professional and will advise how to deal with the situation before specialized help arrives.
To speed up things as best as possible, it is necessary to give the exact description of the place where you are.

150 - Fire Fighters

The number 150 is used for reporting fires, natural disasters, crashes and accidents. Simply, such situations requiring rescue and elimination activities, such as extinguishing fires, extrication, disposal of hazardous substances, etc. 

158 - Police

Dial the number 158 if you have witnessed a crime, a serious traffic accident that needs to be investigated, or if it is necessary to ensure safety or in general to prevent disturbance of public order.  

156 - Municipal Police

You can call the municipal police if you have witnessed a smaller offence which could be for example a disturbance (i.e. noise) in night-time hours (from 10 o'clock at night to 6 o'clock in the morning). 

Foreign missions, consulates, embassies

In the event of serious problems, such as the loss of documents, you should contact your country’s embassy. In the Czech Republic they are mostly located in Prague. For the list of these offices go to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.



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