Lysá hora 24 hours Winter Mountain Marathon

Lysá hora 24 hours Winter Mountain Marathon
Lysá hora 24 hodin.
Autor snímku Kilpi LH24 2023

The last weekend of January prescribed freezing weather with occasional snowfall for fans of extreme challenges. Twenty-five-year-old Tomáš Štverák coped best with the conditions and defended the title of Champion of the Czech Republic in the winter mountain marathon. He won the 24 hours on Lysá hora for the second time.

Lysá hora 24 hours Winter Mountain Marathon
Otužilec závodí v běhu.
Autor snímku Kilpi LH24 2023

The jubilee 10th annual 24 hours on Lysá hora was dominated by ultra-trail runner Tomáš Štverák (The North Face CZ), who conquered 12 race circuits and thus defended his victory from 2020. 600 participants arrived at the extreme endurance race in the Beskydy Mountains and their readiness was tested by the new route.

Lysá hora 24 hodin.

Tomáš Štverák already won in 2020. "I feel good, but the sandy traverse below Lukšinec takes a lot of strength. We'll see how it goes," Tomáš Štverák assessed the situation halfway through the race after ten o'clock on Saturday evening. And he did very well. By Sunday morning, he finally managed to complete 12 circuits (13.2 km), he had 160 km in his legs with an incredible elevation gain of over 10,000 meters and set a new course record. "I'm terribly happy, but brutally tired, the terrain took a lot of my strength. It's a shame that the route was trampled only in the last lap," said the successful defending champion in the finish depot.

Lysá hora 24 hodin.

In the women's category, Katka Klepáčová from Frýdek-Místek (TJ Slezan Frýdek-Místek) finished in 12 laps for the victory and the title of Champion of the Czech Republic in the winter mountain marathon.


INFO: 24 hodin na Lysé hoře



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